Megan works from private therapy rooms in the Alpes-Maritimes and Provence regions of France. She accepts local bookings 2 - 3 days each week. In reply to your booking request you will receive an email to let you know
the dates she is next in your area. She is available 2 days/early evenings per week for Distance Session bookings.
For those wishing to book Home Visits and for all international inquiries please email direct to info@ehfrance.com.

Introductory Session
During this first session a brief medical history will be taken followed by 3 x 20 minute therapy sessions with a 10-15 minute relaxation period after each session. Depending on the patient's issue, this initial intensive triple session is sometimes all that is required. These Introductory Sessions are essential for Megan to be able to treat her clients effectively therefore she cannot accept bookings for shorter periods until an Introductory Session with the client has been completed.
Duration: 2+hrs €150.00

Standard Session
The standard therapy session comprises 2 x 20 minute sessions with a 15 minute relaxation period after each. Megan has found that her therapy is more effective in this double session format and is especially suitable for patients who have chronic conditions. Please note: these sessions are available only to clients who have already completed an Introductory Session with Megan.
Duration: 80 mins €90.00

Well-Being Session
This 20-25 minute therapy session is suitable for those seeking deep relaxation, relief from anxiety and a balanced, open energy flow. Clients who have been successfully treated for health issues regularly book these sessions to maintain the overall feelings of well-being and stress-relief that Megan's therapy provides. A 10-15 minute relaxation period is essential following these sessions.
Duration: 30 mins €65.00

Distance Sessions
These sessions work particularly well for patients who have previously been treated in person by Megan as she is already familiar with their energy however they are also proving to be successful for those unable to see her in person. These sessions require the patient to set the treatment time aside in a location which is quiet and undisturbed for the duration of the session. All first Distance Sessions are free of charge as Megan likes to establish that she is able to make a connection with which both she and the client are happy.
Duration: 20 mins €45.00

Home Visits
Prices for this service are based on each individual case and are dependent on location, travel time, etc. For international bookings please contact us by email.
Duration: 3+hrs
POA - €300.00 minimum

Animal Healing
When Megan is able to find some free time - usually only at weekends - she is happy to offer free healing sessions to family pets and also to animals currently housed in refuges on the French Riviera.
Duration: 60mins
Travel Costs only